Saturday, September 27, 2008

Troubled Times for Newspapers!

Another interesting day in Chicagoland!
Two visits today to two different newspapers - one that puts out weeklys, at a cost to buyers, into suburbs (much like High country Herald or Christcurch Star) and the other, the 'Daily Herald', obviously a daily paper that has about 140,000 subscribers.

At the Pioneer Press this morning, we met with the Editor and a number of reporters to dicuss their jobs and what the big issues are facing newspapers. The big one is the internet and how many people are now getting their news that way. Most papers publish their stories straight to the net as well as to press, all photos are now digital, and many papers are doing video interviews so that video footage can be put on the net to support the written words.

Lunch at a mexican restaurant before viwing a printing operation at the Daily Herald.
Amazing stuff technology-wise here, with the way they move the 1.3 tonne rolls of paper around and onto the machines - all robotic and very smooth so as not to disturb the print run. Print tablets are all digitally done now, still onto thin metal, but rather than raised typeface, they are printed with a material that acts like a magnet for the ink and sticks to it that way.
What was amazing about this visit was that Rob, the man who showed us around (a Rotarian) is the Vice-president of this company - a company that has been in his family since the 1890's! He took out his van today to transport us around, gave us the tour, and was so personable - the amazing hospitality continues!
What he did tell us though is that his company is also fighting the internet, and is likely to drop for the fourth year in a row its turnover. This is significant, and another sign that print media is really struggling over hear. Even this week, the New York Times has announced job cuts in relation to falling print readership.

Went to dinner at out team leaders host family's house tonight - wonderful Indian food and great conversation about the political scene, the financial issues, and whether the Cubs and White Sox will meet in the baseball finals or not!

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